A bit of news today.
I’m happy to announce that Here & There will be joining Mountain Gazette. If you’re not already familiar, Mountain Gazette is a bi-annual, large-format, print magazine focused on sharing the best of outdoor culture. I’ve been a subscriber since the first revival issue, and I have an incredible amount of respect for their approach to media.
A few weeks ago, founder and editor Mike Rogge reached out for a chat, and the result of that great conversation was Here & There moving to the Mountain Gazette platform as part of their weekly emails. I think that this will be a fantastic home for the newsletter – there are few other publishers with such a dedication to quality, respect for readers, and an audience that enjoys nuance, interesting conversations, and occasional surprises when it comes to outdoor-related .
Mike had some incredibly kind words to share:
“There are so many ways to become a great writer today. None more valuable to me than actual readers forwarding, texting, and sharing links and photos. Kyle’s writing hits the mark. His work is thoughtful and nuanced. We don’t measure success based on analytics, but actually people, human beings, being affected by work. Here and There has been a regular read for Mountain Gazette readers tangentially and we look forward to sharing his writing more widely and directly in 2024.”
So, what changes?
Well, nothing really. I still have full control over my writing and topic selection, albeit with a (much) larger audience and brand recognition that might open a few more doors.
You’ll start receiving Here & There emails from a Mountain Gazette email address, rather than this one. You won’t be subscribed to any Mountain Gazette emails besides Here & There (unless you are already).
I’m tremendously grateful to everyone who has read, shared, and provided feedback over the last few years. Back to regularly scheduled programming, this Thursday 🤘.
When in doubt, go higher.